many times what happen, the blog is indexed nice during the starting period (1-15 days), generally in blog. and after ending period it is not indexing well. then it will again index well in next month starting period.
I am not sure why such thing always happed. but for my site it is completely stop after I made one optimize. Google’s algorithm is such that if any 2 WebPages have same content then Google bot will take as copy right content. now think about your actual post page and your archive page.
you must get idea, what I trying to say. for my site I remove all Archive pages from Google search engine. because if you have Archive pages of January and if you have nice post from January then this post will come under both URL (Archive page URL and post URL).
How to Delete/ remove URL from Google Search ?

Go to Google Webmaster >> Click on site >> Crawler Access >> Remove URL
you have to wait 24-48 hours for update of Google index.
how you should take care in Future for same thing ?
first find those page of your blog/ site. then try to avoid to put their links as possible in any page, specially in main page.if we talk about archive page then blog have archive pages like http://www.2ni8.com/2010_01_01_archive.html . here 2010_01_01_archive.html is archive page and it has many nice post from January. so don’t put link like Blog Archive, which is one of the blogger default gadgets. if you wanted to display your latest or OLD blog posts then you can do it by many different things, like recent post widgets. subscribe for feed burner and you can put feed of your blog or site. you can similarly find all those pages, which you fill this creates problem for my site to get index in Google and remove those pages immediately.
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