Many of bloggers around the worlds have complains against the blogger authority that they don’t prove dynamic pages as per wordpress. Blog owners use to insert Read more button or some thing like that which can describe that post well in summary. but blogger have no such an arrangement till yesterday. if you are regular reader of this site(previously blog) then one question must be in your mind that how is that possible to insert read more button in blogger’s static page. it was not easy, i hack bloggers template and inserted code such that it was possible. but now it is very simple because blogger recently announce this feathers on the blogger blog. blogger authority give this gift to blog owner on the blogger turning on 10.
How to insert ?
for use this feathers, you must use new blog post editor. if you still access old post editor then this is the real time for switching the new post editor. for that just go to….
Dashboard > settings > basic > Select post editor
check out updated editor and save it.
Now you can go to new post and fill the new post editor. remember new post editor will be enable for all your blogs in same Google account.
time is come for summarize your story or say post. first write nice and relevant content in new post. now you want to summarize that, for that choose a portion you want to show in your home page to your readers. put the curser ahead where you want the break the story and press the Insert Jump Break button.
that’s all, publish your post and see the magic . you will see in your home page only those portion which you want. after that Read more button will handle all the matter.
if you don’t care about read more text and want to some thing else than also don’t worry. blogger is always take care about all the issues. just go to the configure blog post as seen below. and insert your text inplace of read more.
if still you have any doubt then mail at
what if you use any blog writing software ?
if you are using any blog writing software then also you can use this facility as no any more work. just insert <!-- more --> as a text in your blog writing software where you wanted to break the story. and publish your blog as usual. first method using blogger post editor and third party post editor method is same.
- Note: remember, <!-- more --> must be added in source code/HTML code other wise your summary will not work.
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