Controversial TV show in India,Sacch ka Saamna(सच का सामना/Facing the Truth) is a Indian version of the popular American TV show “The Moment of Truth” and The Moment of Truth was adapted from Canadian TV reality game show “Nada mas que la verdad”.sach ka samna was start on 15th July at 11 pm on STAR Plus and it is airs from Monday to Friday in each week.Rajiv Khandelwal is the host of the show who is Television and Film actor.this is the first show in india which is reach in Indian Parliament because Many Minister of India bargaining with each other for Sach ka Samna TV show.fresh episode is include in this blog. minister says that this show is not for Indian culture because in this show many controversial question asked to contestant person which is seat on hot seat.
Sacch ka Saamna format was owned by Howard Schultz of Lighthearted Entertainment.the format of this show is like a game show which is same as the American TV show “The Moment of Truth”.first at the early of the episode 50 question asked to contestant which is participant in this show and contestant’s answer is check by Polygraph Machine.this all process is not telecast in TV.Polygraph Machine is the machine which is check the answer TRUE or FALSE according to contestant’s Blood Pressure, Pulse rate etc.then after contestant come on the game show.
During the actual show of Sacch ka Saamna,21 question is asked by host Rajiv Khandelwal to the contestant.if contestant give all answer right then it is won the 1 crore prize money.there are six level of prize money in this show.the first level of the prize money consist of six question if give all question’s answer right and honestly then win the 1,00,000 INR(Rs).the second level consist five question and prize money goes to 5,00,000 INR.the third level consist four question and prize money goes to 10,00,000 INR.fourth and fifth level consist three and two question respectively and money goes to 50,00,000 INR stage.The final level of this prize money has only one question and with the truthful answer fetching the maximum prize money of Rs. 10,000,000(1 crore)INR.
Controversies with Sacch ka Saamna
many controversies included with sach ka samna TV show and this is reach in Indian parliament.some question to be asked to contestant is against of our social culture like (1)you want to hit your husband/wife (2)you want sex with your teacher (3)you are still on your husband/wife because of your children etc.this show is based on honesty and truth so,this show create some big controversy in India like Samajwadi Party MP minister Kamal Akhtar took up the issue in the Rajya Sabha and arguing that the questions asked in this show were against Indian culture and demanding a halt and stop to its screening.
Sacch ka Saamna’s latest & fresh episode
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