in Michael Jackson's Memorial occasion every body remember MJ with great guilty but his nearest daughter Paris Jackson give him that honor which every father want from his child..
ofcourse MJ is now not with us but he is present some where in sky and must watch his sweetest daughter father is present today then he proud of their children and him self too..
India will have big moment of organize one of the major tournament in Gentleman's game called cricket. infect India, SriLanka and Bangladesh will host the ODI (one day International) cricket world cup. according to ICC (International Cricket Council) rules world cup must be held by all neighbor hood country which is playing cricket. so by that Pakistan is the candidate for WC event but from many years Pakistan supports terrorism so they have to face this fact. not only in cricket but at every step. if ICC will give permission to Pakistan for world cup cricket 2001 then also after 26/11 attack on Mumbai Indian government and people never want about their player to play in India and similarly abt Pakistan Govtmnt. Bangladesh have first chance for hosting this type of big event. any way ICC declare ODI cricket world cup logo for this World cup ICC and BCCI will strongly watch about copy right of Live Streaming and Live score of Cricket match world cup after c...
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