Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor both are come with their forth coming movie “KAMBAKHT ISHQ” after TASHAN."KAMBAKHT ISHQ IS THE REMAKE OF TAMIL FILM “PAMMAL K SAMBANDAM”.very big banner is related with Kambakht Ishq, Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment and EROS Entertainment are related with this film.release date of this movie is 3rd July 2009 and this movie is release with very superb cast because in this film both HOLLYWOOD & BOLLYWOOD actor & actress part and superb action,drama and romance in this film.in this film hollywood actor SYLVESTER STALLONE’s (rambo) roll is short but very power full and he is the superstar of the hollywood so all around world’s people see this film and enjoy the film.two more hollywood actor & actress are participant of this film.hollywood actress DENISE RICHRD and actor BRENDON ROUTH.in this film Akshay Kumar is in lead roll so some comedy seeing in this film.AAFTAB SHIVDASANI and AMRITA ARORA are in supporting roll of this film.DARA SINGH is also in supporting roll of this film.shooting location is great because most of the film are shooted in ITALY & USA.MUSIC of this film is give by ANU MALIK,R D B(Rhythm Dhol Bass) and SULAIMAN MERCHANT.PRODUCER of this film is non other than SAJID NADIADWALA.this film is directed by SABBIR KHAN.LYRICIST of this film are R D B ,SABBIR KHAN and ANVITA DUTT GUPTA.CHOREOGRAPHER for this film is youngest VAIBHAVI MARCHANT.
KAMBAKHT ISHQ is film on two individual as different from each other as SKY and LAND.Akshay Kumar as Viraj Shergill who is the stunt man in the hollywood and he believes in girl for two thing, one is “MAKING LOVE” and another is “MAKING LOVE”.Kareena Kapoor as Simrita Rai who is the super model in this film.now let’s see this film broke howmany records otherwise this film is broke.
Akshay Kumar as Viraj Shergill
Kareena Kapoor as Simrita Rai
Aaftab Shivdasani as Lucky
Dara Singh as Tiger
Amrita Arora Kamini
Ashwin Mushran
R D B(Rhythm Dhol Bass)
Neeraj Shridhar
Alisha Chinoy
Sunidhi Chauhan
Shreya Ghosal
Eric Pillai
Anushka Manchandani
Lyrics | Singers |
Om Mangalam | RDB (Rhythm Dhol Bass) & Nindy Kaur |
Kyun | Shaan & Shreya Ghoshal |
Bebo | Alisha Chinai |
Lakh Lakh | Neeraj Shridhar |
Welcome To Hollywood | Krash Kale & Anushka Manchanda |
Kambakkht Ishq | Krishna Kumar Kunnath& Sunidhi Chauhan |
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